Advisory Board

The S4R project benefits from the guidance of a distinguished Expert Advisory Board (EAB). This independent, international panel comprises high-profile experts in fields directly relevant to the S4R’s goals. The EAB plays a critical role by providing continual evaluation and input throughout the S4R project lifecycle. Their expertise is invaluable in assessing the project’s processes, practices, and outcomes, ensuring the project stays on track and delivers impactful results.

Prof. David Bates
Harvard Medical School, US
Prof. Patricia Davidson
University of Wollongong, Australia
Prof. Rebecca Lawton
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Boel Anderson Gare
JönköpingUniversity, Sweden
Martin Hatlie
WHO Patients for Patient Safety

Dr. Carolyn Canfield, independent citizen-patient and Adjunct Professor Department of Family Practice, Faculty of Medicine at The University of British Columbia in Canada

Carolyn Canfield works as a citizen-patient to expand partnerships with patients and caregivers across all facets of healthcare: professional education, services design, practice improvement, policy development, research and governance. 

Widowed in 2008 through healthcare tragedy led her to full-time activism, earning recognition in 2014 as Canada’s first Patient Safety Champion and faculty appointment to the Department of Family Practice at The University of British Columbia. Within the university, she actively supports the Patient and Community Partnership for Education, the Innovation Support Unit, the Centre for Health Education Scholarship, team-based care implementation, patient safety curriculum and teaching, learning environment improvement, and the Faculty of Medicine Admissions Sub-committee to recommend policy and select candidates for medical school.

Participation in provincial, national and international research includes roles as patient partner, co-researcher, advisor, grant adjudicator and journal manuscript reviewer. In 2017 Carolyn co-founded the independent peer-led Patient Advisors Network to develop citizen-patient capacity and leadership. From 2019-2023 Carolyn supported the Resilience in Healthcare (RiH) project at the University of Stavanger as a member of the Expert Advisory Board.

Henk Parmentier - Prof Henk Parmentier, treasurer European Forum for Primary Care

Professor Henk Parmentier, Treasurer of the European Forum for Primary Care, is a practicing General Practitioner in South London with a special interest in Mental Health. He has trained both in The Netherlands and in the UK, where he finalized his GP training.

His main interest is the integration of Primary and Secondary Mental Health, social prescribing, the social determinants of health and Neurodiversity.

He is a founding member of the World Dignity Project, member of the World Organisation for Family Doctors, WONCA and the past treasurer for the World Federation for Mental Health, WFMH. He serves as an advisor, trainer and facilitator for charities in the Caribbean on topics of mental health, neurodiversity and safeguarding.

He currently holds the position of Clinical Lead Integrated Urgent Care in Croydon, Southwest London, Clinical Lead for Neurodiversity, Mental Health, Health Inequalities and Homelessness for the Croydon place Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Prof. Charles Vincent
Professor of Psychology, University of Oxford
Emeritus Professor Clinical Safety Research, Imperial College London
Emeritus Fellow, Jesus College Oxford

Charles Vincent trained as a Clinical Psychologist and worked in the British NHS for several years. Since 1985 he has carried out research on the causes of harm to patients, the consequences for patients and staff and methods of improving the safety of healthcare.

He established the Clinical Risk Unit at University College in 1995 where he was Professor of Psychology before moving to the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College in 2002. He is the editor of Clinical Risk Management (BMJ Publications, 2nd edition, 2001), author of Patient Safety (2ned edition 2010) and author of many papers on medical error, risk and patient safety. With Rene Amalberti he published ‘Safer healthcare: strategies for the real world’ Springer, Open Access (2016). 

From 1999 to 2003 he was a Commissioner on the UK Commission for Health Improvement and has advised on patient safety in many inquiries and committees including the recent Berwick Review. In 2007 he was appointed Director of the National Institute of Health Research Centre for Patient Safety & Service Quality at Imperial College Healthcare Trust. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and Emeritus National Institute of Health Research Senior Investigator. In 2014 he took up a new most as Health Foundation professorial fellow in the Department of Psychology, University of Oxford where he continues his work on safety in healthcare and led the Oxford Region NHS Patient Safety Collaborative and was Director of Oxford Healthcare Improvement. 

Prof. Dr. Holger Pfaff

Professor of Quality Development and Evaluation in Rehabilitation

Director of the Institute of Medical Sociology, Health Services Research, and Rehabilitation Science

Director of the Center for Health Services Research Cologne (ZVFK), University of Cologne

Honorary Professor, Australian Institute for Health Innovation, Macquarie University, Sydney

Ms Katherine de Bienassis - Health Policy Analyst, Health Division

Katherine de Bienassis is a Health Policy Analyst at the OECD and coordinator of the OECD Health Care Quality and Outcomes Working Party. Her work covers health system performance assessment, patient safety, patient-reported metrics, and health worker-reported outcomes and experiences. Prior to joining the OECD, Kate worked as a Senior Project Manager at the National Quality Forum (a U.S. based NGO), where her work focused on the evaluation and endorsement of healthcare quality and outcome measures for use in hospital settings, readmissions, cancer care, pediatrics, and cost and efficiency.

Kate previously held positions as Senior Program Associate with the CER Methods team of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (a U.S. based research funding organization) and as Program Coordinator of the Center for Global Development’s Global Health Team (a Washington, D.C. based think tank). Kate holds her MPH from Dartmouth College.