S4R Toolbox
The S4R Toolbox will be an online platform that provides different cost-effective individual and collaborative tools, designed to support leadership action.

Three different tools constitute the S4R Toolbox:

Tool 1, a Mapping and Identification
Tool that will provide leaders with a holistic awareness of the current status of the organization through integrating healthcare workers’ and informal caregivers’ perspectives.

Tool 2, a Reflection and Education Tool
Will provide contextual understanding of ‘work-as-done’ rather than ‘work-as-imagined’, and educational components to identify successful adaptations and solutions to reduce capacity-demand gaps.

Tool 3, a Re-organization Tool
Will be designed to help reframing by identifying which practices to preserve, which to implement, and which to de-implement, resulting in detailed action plans. All tools, together with policy and implementation recommendations, will be included in the S4R Resource Bank and adapted to different healthcare systems and settings across Europe.