The project

The challenge:

Burnout and stress

European elderly care experiences labour shortages, and lack of qualified healthcare workers, causing stress, burnout, and reducing mental health among healthcare workers.

Limited training

The current workforce may not have the tools needed to provide the increasing amount of care delivered at home or in community settings.

Risk to patients

The increase in life expectancy and elderly-related chronic diseases, means that demands for care will rise. The strain on the system increases the risk of patient harm.

The need:

Empowering leaders

Healthcare leaders need research-based tools, interventions, and training to map, understand, and act upon capacity-demand challenges as experienced by professionals working in complex adaptive healthcare systems.

Quality of care

Sound working conditions, the ability to adapt, and mental wellbeing of healthcare workers are related to increased quality of care, patient outcome and survival.

The solution:

Support4Resilience Toolbox


Mapping and Identification Tool that will provide leaders with a holistic awareness of the current status of the organization through integrating healthcare workers’ and informal caregivers’ perspectives.


Reflection and Education Tool will provide contextual and understanding of ‘work-as-done’ and educational components to identify successful adaptations and solutions to reduce capacity-demand gaps.


Re-organization Tool, will be designed to help reframing by identifying which practices to preserve, which to implement, and which to de-implement, resulting in detailed action plans.

Phases of the Project:

University of Eastern Finland

WP1 – Preparation for data collection

The objective of WP1 is to conduct three
literature reviews on a) individual and
organizational resilience, b) mental wellbeing
and c) effectiveness and cost-effectiveness
of interventions in elderly care. It will also
scope and architect a protocol for collecting
quantitative and qualitative frontline data,
and it will map healthcare systems of six
included countries.

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University of Eastern Finland

Universitatea Stefan Cel Mare Din Suceava

WP2 – Cross country data collection

The objective of WP2 is to recruit sites,
collect and analyse qualitative and
quantitative cross-country data from informal
caregivers, healthcare workers, and
healthcare leaders in six different European
healthcare settings (NO, FI, NL, IT, RO, and
ES), on key
constructs that will underpin and inform the
development of S4R Toolbox.

Discover the Testcases


Universitatea Stefan Cel Mare Din Suceava

The University of Cyprus

WP3 – S4R Toolbox Development

The objective of WP3 is to develop content
and IT infrastructure for the S4R Toolbox, as
well as to develop intervention design, and
to perform pilot testing of the S4R Toolbox.

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The University of Cyprus

Universitetet I Stavanger

WP4 – S4R Toolbox implementation and evaluation

The WP4 will focus on the implementation and evaluation of the S4R Toolbox in elderly care settings across six European countries. This evaluation will encompass usability, technical features, performance, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and the support provided for leaders. Data collected during the evaluation will be used to revise and improve the S4R Toolbox. Additionally, the project will validate the Resilience Capacity Scale (RCS).

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Universitetet I Stavanger

Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa

WP5 – Dissemination and communication

The project will focus on implementing,
evaluating, and disseminating the S4R
Toolbox to promote resilience and mental
wellbeing in elderly care. It will also
establish policy recommendations and
develop new theoretical models to inform
future research and practices.

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Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa

Universitetet I Stavanger

WP6 – Project Management

A dedicated management team will oversee
the project, ensuring coordination and execution according to the scientific plan, milestones, and deliverables. This includes fostering a collaborative consortium, securing ethical approvals for data collection and evaluation, and guaranteeing adherence to ethical standards, data protection regulations, and quality assurance through consultation with the Expert Advisory Board.

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Universitetet I Stavanger

Universitetet I Stavanger

WP7 – Ethics requirements

The objective is to ensure compliance with
the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.

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Universitetet I Stavanger