

Universitetet i Stavanger

Lead partner

The Centre for Resilience in Healthcare (SHARE) at the University of Stavanger, established in 2017 within The Faculty of Health Sciences, is a leading research group in Norway focused on quality and safety in healthcare.

European Forum for Primary Care

The European Forum for Primary Care was initiated in early 2005 by a group of interested parties from several countries. The EFPC aims to improve the population’s health by promoting strong Primary Care.

Universitatea Stefan Cel Mare Din Suceava

The Faculty of Medicine and Biological Sciences at the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (USV) is the youngest of the 11 schools in our university.


Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) of Erasmus University Rotterdam is leading in the Netherlands with its educational and research activities targeted at policy and management issues in health care.

International Society for Quality in Health Care CLG

The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) is a member-based, not-for-profit community and organisation dedicated to promoting quality improvement in health care.

University of Eastern Finland

Health economics research group at the University of Eastern Finland is the largest group in this field in Finland.

Universitat Jaume I De Castellón

Jaume I University (Spanish: Universidad Jaime I) is a university in the city of Castelló de la Plana, Valencian Community, Spain.

Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa

The Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa (FUE-UJI) specializes in innovative communication and dissemination of European projects.

Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy

The Mental Health Promotion research group at Turku University of Applied Sciences comprises numerous vocational experts.

Fondazione Casa Cardinale Maffi Onlus

FCCM is a not-for-profit Italian organization, born in 1948, providing long term care to about 500 people, living in the 8 venues FCCM is composed of.

University of Cyprus

The University of Cyprus (UCY) is a young and rapidly expanding university (established in 1989).

Scuola Superiore Di Studi Universitari E Di Perfezionamento S Anna

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA) is a public university institute with special autonomy that works in applied sciences.

Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet

The Department of Health Sciences in Gjøvik is structured around a diverse array of healthcare education programs.

Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University

The Australian Institute of Health Innovation (AIHI) is a research-intensive institute located at Macquarie University, Sydney.

Universitetet I Stavanger

The Centre for Resilience in Healthcare (SHARE) at the University of Stavanger, established in 2017 within The Faculty of Health Sciences, is a leading research group in Norway focused on quality and safety in healthcare.

In collaboration with national partners at NTNU Gjøvik and Oslo University Hospital, it forms the largest research group in this field in Norway. SHARE aims to revolutionize the understanding of healthcare quality and safety through a resilience framework applicable at all healthcare levels. SHARE’s strategic goal is to gain international recognition by advancing a new, comprehensive resilience framework in healthcare. The multidisciplinary team of around 70 researchers includes professionals from a wide range of disciplines, focusing on various research areas such as interdisciplinary teamwork, co-production, telecare, and healthcare process analysis. The core of SHARE’s efforts is the work of its PhD scholars, contributing significantly to the field.

SHARE will be the main coordinator of the S4R project.

The European Forum for Primary Care

The European Forum for Primary Care was initiated in early 2005 by a group of interested parties from several countries. The EFPC aims to improve the population’s health by promoting strong Primary Care. This is done by advocating for Primary Care, generating data and evidence on Primary Care, and exchanging information between its members. The Forum seeks to expand its membership and thereby become a leading force for strengthening Primary Care in Europe. The Forum includes a Mental Health working group that will actively contribute to the S4R project by enabling wide input from and outreach to policy makers, leaders, workers and informal caregivers.

EFPC’s role in S4R is related to user involvement, ensuring that the understanding of the informal caregiver’s role is strongly underpinned by cultural and societal factors such as cultural values and culturally specific norms.

Universitatea Stefan Cel Mare Din Suceava

The Faculty of Medicine and Biological Sciences at the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (USV) is the youngest of the 11 schools in our university. Our faculty employs over 100 academics (tenured and collaborators) and aims at becoming a center of excellence nationwide in training medical and healthcare specialists, and fostering health-related research. Our researchers conduct interdisciplinary studies in a number of domains, and have produced particularly strong results in areas such as nutrition and microbiota, early life stress and mental health, neurosurgery, long covid symptoms, genomic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 and others.

In the S4R consortium, USV is leader of Work Package 2, a part of the project that is responsible for delivering the quantitative and qualitative cross-country data sets by the end of the 1st year. Data collection will take place in 6 European countries from our consortium and our ambitious aim is to recruit 3,000 participants from 3 populations (informal caregivers, healthcare staff and healthcare managers). Besides its main involvement in WP2, USV will also contribute to WP1 and piloting the administration of instruments together with implementing and evaluating the S4R toolbox in the Romanian samples during the 3rd and 4th year of the project.

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) of Erasmus University Rotterdam is leading in the Netherlands with its educational and research activities targeted at policy and management issues in health care. ESHPM is involved in national and international research in the fields of policy and organisational sciences with a focus on health care, health economics, medical technology assessment, social medical sciences, health law, and health insurance. The section has much experience with complex interventions in care for older persons which is fundamental for succeeding with S4R intervention planning and execution. Moreover, this expertise is crucial for developing S4R policy recommendations.

International Society for Quality in Health Care CLG

The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) is a member-based, not-for-profit community and organisation dedicated to promoting quality improvement in health care.

ISQua runs accreditation programmes and has been working to improve the quality and safety worldwide for over 30 years, aiming to achieve the goal through education, knowledge sharing, external evaluation, supporting health systems worldwide and connecting like-minded people through health care networks. ISQua’s extensive network of healthcare professionals’ spanning over 70 countries and 6 continents will benefit S4R impacting leaders, policy makers and quality improvement around the globe.

University of Eastern Finland

Health economics research group at the University of Eastern Finland is the largest group in this field in Finland.  Our research group is placed in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Department of Health and Social Management at UEF. Our research focus is in the social and health care and pharmaceutical markets, and we conduct research related to different populations. In particular, our research focuses on older long-term care and home care clients, multimorbidity, children and adolescents, and mental health promotion. Our aim is to provide knowledge of well-being in society and economic and social sustainability. Our research is multidisciplinary, and we work in collaboration with various fields of sciences, such as pharmacy, sports medicine, medicine, psychology, health science, statistics, and social sciences. We also collaborate with various research organizations and well-being services counties. Our research group has strong expertise in economic evaluation, quantitative methods and intervention studies.

In S4R project, team UEF is leading the work package 1 for preparing the data collection. Objectives for the WP1: to conduct three literature reviews on individual and organizational resilience, mental wellbeing and effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions in elderly care. In addition, WP1 aims to scope and architect a protocol for collecting quantitative and qualitative frontline data (informal caregivers, healthcare workers, healthcare leaders) and to map healthcare systems of six included countries. Team UEF is also responsible for conducting a cost-effectiveness analysis of developed S4R Toolbox in work package 4. The S4R Toolbox will be evaluated in a two-arm cluster randomized controlled trial (cRCT) in two countries.

Universitat Jaume I De Castellón

Jaume I University (Spanish: Universidad Jaime I) is a university in the city of Castelló de la Plana, Valencian Community, Spain.

It was founded in 1991, and it has approximately 14,000 students. The campus, covering 176,000 m2, has 4 faculties and many research and management buildings. Jaume I University participates in all the international programmes implemented throughout the European Union, such as Erasmus+, Leonardo, Tempus and Alfa, and also those organized by the Spanish government, including the Interuniversity Cooperation Programme. The university is open to new schemes that help enhance the quality of the teaching and the research carried out here. The university is part of the Xarxa Vives d’Universitats (Vives network), which comprises 21 universities located in Catalan-speaking areas, in four countries (Andorra, France, Italy and Spain). It is also part of the EDUC Alliance, a network of 8 European universities committed to a brighter future through collaborative education.

The Perinatal Epidemiology, Environmental Health and Clinical Research group is attached to the Preventive Medicine and Public Health area of the Predepartmental Medicine Unit of the UJI. The aim of the research group is to study the interrelation between environmental, lifestyle and psychosocial factors with health that facilitate the design of healthy and sustainable cities. The team applies environmental exposure assessment and epidemiological methods to study the effects of risk factors on health across the life cycle.  Members of the research group have extensive experience in the characterization of environmental exposure, the collection of anthropometric, clinical and socioeconomic data through questionnaires to participants in cohort and panel studies. In addition, members of the group have experience in studies evaluating the association of environmental exposures and lifestyles on mental health. Currently, the research group is working on various research projects on mental health, learning environment and lifestyles in university students. In addition, the research team has participated in several European initiatives related to child health and development, such as DENAMIC, MedAll, CHICOS, HELIX, GERONIMO, EUTHYROID, LifeCycle, ESCAPE, HELIX and ATHLETE.

Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa

The Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa (FUE-UJI) specializes in innovative communication and dissemination of European projects having participated in more than 20 European projects that endorse the work and trajectory of EuroFUE-UJI.

Through the Affiliated Entity figure in Horizon Europe projects coordinated by the UJI, FUE-UJI has successfully executed Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation Plans. Having FUE-UJI as an affiliated entity is synonymous with guaranteed success in these mandatory tasks. In the Support for Resilience (S4R) project, FUE-UJI leads the critical Work Package 5 on Dissemination and Communication, applying their expertise to amplify the project’s impact on European elderly care resilience and wellbeing.

Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy

The Mental Health Promotion research group at Turku University of Applied Sciences comprises numerous vocational experts.

Our central focus lies in promoting mental health across various sectors through first-class study, development, and innovative work. The research group’s fundamental concept revolves around a comprehensive perspective on mental health, emphasizing primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. The promotion of mental health is an endeavor thatfacilitates the realization of positive mental well-being. Its primary objective is to enhance mental resilience by incorporating strengthening and protective factors. Our main involvement in S4R -project is in WP1 and WP2.

Fondazione Casa Cardinale Maffi Onlus

FCCM is a not-for-profit Italian organization, born in 1948, providing long term care to about 500 people, living in the 8 venues FCCM is composed of.

FCCM provides elderly care, disabled care and psychiatric care.

FCCM employs about 400 people (mainly assistive personnel, nurses, educators, rehabilitators, doctors).

In 2023, FCCM set up a “Research and Development department”, to manage and foster innovation of the institution.

FCCM will be mainly involved in WP 2 and 4.

University of Cyprus

The University of Cyprus (UCY) is a young and rapidly expanding university (established in 1989).

There are 7 faculties, 22 departments and 16 research units/centres, covering a broad spectrum within the life, social, natural and engineering sciences. UCY is participating in Support4Resilience with the Software Engineering and Internet Technologies (SEIT – Laboratory of the Department of Computer Science, and the Department of Psychiatry of the Medical School.

In the project, UCY is involved in project management, toolbox development and health policy recommendations, key to S4R dissemination, communication and exploitation (WP5). UCY is responsible for the implementation activities of the software toolbox leading WP3, data privacy, and is involved in the input phase aiming to provide an overview of key factors to allow for holistic understanding of influential factors important for supporting leaders in elderly care.

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA)

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA) is a public university institute with special autonomy that works in applied sciences. The Management and Healthcare Laboratory (MeS Laboratory) is part of SSSA. This Italian Laboratory’s main research activity used in S4R is performance evaluation to measure the capacity of health systems, health authorities, and district areas to effectively and efficiently deliver services in line with population needs. The MeS Laboratory aims to support the stakeholders of the healthcare system through the management processes and the innovation of health and social care. SSSA’s capacity is ensuring S4R consortium’ capacity in completing the effectiveness evaluation of the S4R toolbox and intervention.

Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet

The Department of Health Sciences in Gjøvik is structured around a diverse array of healthcare education programs, ranging from nursing, occupational therapy, paramedicine, to radiography, offered at both bachelor’s and master’s levels.

This interdisciplinary approach fosters a comprehensive understanding of healthcare delivery and prepares students for the dynamic challenges of the healthcare landscape.

At any given time, the department engages a considerable number of doctoral candidates across various research projects, both large-scale and more focused endeavors. Of particular note is the pivotal role played by the Center for Care Research, which spearheads health services research aimed at enhancing the quality of municipal health and care services. Through its collaborative efforts, the center contributes to advancing the knowledge-base for long-term care services.

The Patient Safety Research Group within the department is actively involved towards enhancing quality and patient safety. Their research agenda encompasses a wide spectrum, ranging from team training and patient safety culture to medication management practices across specialized, primary, and prehospital care settings. By investigating these critical areas, the group aims to identify strategies for mitigating risks and improving overall healthcare delivery.

Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University

The Australian Institute of Health Innovation (AIHI) is a research-intensive institute located at Macquarie University, Sydney, who produce new, high quality research evidence to support change and improvement in health care.

 AIHI conducts world-class research with relevance to national and international research communities, governments, policymakers, providers of health services, managers, clinicians, patients and the community. Our work underpins healthcare reforms and systems improvement and provides new technologies, perspectives and evidence. The unique depth of AIHI comes from three independent but complementary centres of research: Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science (CHRIS), Centre for Health Systems and Safety (CHSSR) and Centre for Health Informatics (CHI). The AIHI has more than 150 research staff, students and visiting fellows across the three centres, who have backgrounds in the following discipline areas relevant to health systems research: health informatics, psychology, human factors, biostatistics, health care evaluation, pharmacy, medicine, nursing, laboratory science, public health, epidemiology, and health economics.

As a named partner on the Horizon Europe grant, AIHI was successful in being awarded the NHMRC-EU Collaborative Research Grant Scheme to support the Australian component of the above research commencing in March 2024. For this work, we will adapt the S4R toolbox for suitability to the Australian context. The Australian testcase of the S4R toolbox will take place at a large residential aged care organisation (Calvary Aged Care), with >50 residential aged care homes across five Australian states (New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria).